Sunday, June 30, 2013

Planning Ahead

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

There is so much about a plan, it can really go a long way, keep track of your progress and tell you what still left to be done

However, for this project I don't have to sieve deep into to much planning, but nevertheless, its always good to plan.

I will divide the project into three major parts namely;

  • Interior
  • Exterior
  • Engine

So let me go through this one by one,

Interior covers all stuff inside the car such as dashboards, sidings, speakers, radio, door locks, this covers so much about stripping down a cars interior, Ill provide a how to and some tutorials or the like, the main purpose/objective of this section is to identify any disease the car might have been incubating for so long.

Exterior will focus on the paint, any aesthetic feature to be fixed and/or be added to the car, I'll add skirts to make the car look pretty masculine and to attract some head turners, paint it with a new color, a very rare color... what color could it be???, You can suggest if you want...

Engine is all about the mechanical workhorse of the car... I was thinking if I have to make an engine swap or just retain the original engine, what's my purpose with a bigger engine? Currently she only have a 1.3L engine not much of horsepower but sure does can send you to your destination.

So I guess I'll be more work and less talk for the coming weeks, I'll just let the pictures spell the thousand words to say.

* I won't be able to post some pics for this post, I run into some trouble with my camera, anyway, I'll try to do so on my next post.

Stay Tune...


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why the B12?

If you have been asking how the B12 grab the attention for modification-restoration project, in this post I'll be giving you the reasons why the B12 was chosen.

First of all she's already a SILVER year old car, she's already 26 years old and she's still pretty.

Secondly, I own one... big factor here... :)

Lastly, is more of a personal opinion, a personal preference or rather a different view of looking and appreciating a beautiful car. Let's be honest, what makes you turn your head, an old vintage car rolling down the road or a new car, say those manufactured starting year 2000? Isn't it the vintage car that gets much of the attention against her counterpart? So why, an old car gets so much of the head turns? Because they're sexy, way too sexy, Imagine if you would compare how slick a 1969 Mustang GTO compared to 2013 Toyota Camry. The GTO displays masculinity with so much emphasis.

With regards to the B12, she has lineage of those cars, you can still see some of the Old School character remaining with this car, the rear which displays a box perfectly crafted to show rough edge that meets to give you that smooth slick feel when you caress her, the square lights that gives emphasis how square lights at the rear gives a different view versus her counterpart with rear lights with embossed frame. The rectangular lights at the front just look like big eyes staring right back at you a very rare opportunity.

There is so much to tell about this car, but at the end of the day it boils down to what you prefer, something that looks good to me can be the opposite as seen by others.

Next week, I'll be posting some pics of the car before the project commences, we'll use it as our baseline for this project.

Stay in touch,


Thursday, June 13, 2013


Today, I would be sharing you my rationale why I chose to do this, why am I too excited of doing this, the possible pitfalls of this project and many more... So please read on.

Like what I have said in my about Me page, I'm  just another typical IT guy, thinks and codes a lot, documents less and reasons to myself most of the time.

So as an IT guy I have developed overtime skills that I realize are very important in realizing a project and its success, to make good use of these skills I have decided to use these so called soft skills and methodologies on this project and see if it would make sense to me and this project.

For my audience, "YOU", I will try my best to explain each terminologies in a way that would be understandable and clear enough.

So what's the connection between being an IT guy and a Car Enthusiast?

Moving forward, In the software world there are several methodologies being used specially when it comes to a project. These methodologies are not limited to being used to just about creating a software, it is just being heavily used on this field that makes it somehow a rocket science, but it is NOT! How so? Read on...

For me it's just a jargon or sometimes people just make use of it or talk about it in way that makes it hard to distinguished and understand.

Please bear with me, don't you worry because I won't be talking too much too long for the coming weeks and months... "WE WANT SOME ACTION"... Yes, I can hear you.

The Journey begins with...

Anyway, when we create a software, it is very important to determine what is the problem, do we really need to code it, aren't there any other solutions? et cetera... et cetera...

Once we decided that its going to be a lot of long nights of coding, we then start to think of the following: Tools, Schedules, Resources, et cetera.

However, since this project is on the other side of the stick, some portion of the methodology would be disregarded or rather be taken with less importance.

This is a product of my curiosity, and a hobby that ended up to be a project. Let me learn first what should be and what should not from there on when I do this again (WHAT??? O_O, You Serious#%$^@) I would be able to apply what I have learned from this venture.

One of the things I went thru but took less importance is the Feasibility Study, when we say feasibility we are referring to looking into the possibility of the task to be accomplished, is it logical to proceed with the project with this and that? And most of the time in the software world it focuses on the resources such as money, time and available technology.

I was stubborn to admit the feasibility studies outcome as it will go against me being a car enthusiast but like what I have said I already went thru it and will proceed with the project with the following notes:

   1. Make sure to spend the least $$$ while gaining an acceptable result. (What is acceptable, well that is another topic for discussion).

   2. This project would eventually take more than the expected time of delivery, since I'm just a lone resource for this project, I might as well cause the dragging of the schedule. This project entails a lot of discipline for me, as a professional, I must have this character or else I would end up empty handed.

Another important aspect of this project that needs to be covered is PLANNING, this is very important as it will decide the outcome of the project, it can give you a glimpse of dreary road ahead. Planning as a matter of fact gives you a hindsight of the pitfalls that lies ahead on the road, with a plan you can map your resources and make best use of it, with a plan there is some kind of a Director that is guiding you through the process. As the saying goes "Measure Twice, Cut Once", plan your attack just don't jump there looking like you never planned at all.

With this I covered the basics of this project and I would suggest you follow my blog, I have planned to give a weekly update something like (Agile, in the software world) an every Sunday routine would do, so please stay tuned.

This is more that just a hobby and there's a lot of passion in it.. I LOVE CARS! - Rational enough




Welcome everyone to my personal blog. On this blog, I would be sharing my experience/s and would be experiences from a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Car Restoration and Modification Project.

Before you read on further, may I request you to take time to read my Disclaimer and to read something about Me.

So come and join me with my journey to this fun and learning experience. Have fun.

