Sunday, June 30, 2013

Planning Ahead

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

There is so much about a plan, it can really go a long way, keep track of your progress and tell you what still left to be done

However, for this project I don't have to sieve deep into to much planning, but nevertheless, its always good to plan.

I will divide the project into three major parts namely;

  • Interior
  • Exterior
  • Engine

So let me go through this one by one,

Interior covers all stuff inside the car such as dashboards, sidings, speakers, radio, door locks, this covers so much about stripping down a cars interior, Ill provide a how to and some tutorials or the like, the main purpose/objective of this section is to identify any disease the car might have been incubating for so long.

Exterior will focus on the paint, any aesthetic feature to be fixed and/or be added to the car, I'll add skirts to make the car look pretty masculine and to attract some head turners, paint it with a new color, a very rare color... what color could it be???, You can suggest if you want...

Engine is all about the mechanical workhorse of the car... I was thinking if I have to make an engine swap or just retain the original engine, what's my purpose with a bigger engine? Currently she only have a 1.3L engine not much of horsepower but sure does can send you to your destination.

So I guess I'll be more work and less talk for the coming weeks, I'll just let the pictures spell the thousand words to say.

* I won't be able to post some pics for this post, I run into some trouble with my camera, anyway, I'll try to do so on my next post.

Stay Tune...


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